The AHEAD API currently supports the following endpoints. The comments to the right of each endpoint parameter describe what information is needed.
Method: GET
This endpoint retrieves the automation queues associated with your organization. Automation queues are used during the automated testing process as a way of submitting and tracking the automation tasks required to be completed before completion. An automation queue acts as an itinerary for systems passing through Forge, our automated test and verification system.
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
id | int | Unique ID of the automation queue |
serial_id | int | Serial associated with the automation queue |
work_order_id | int | Work order associated with the automation queue |
finished | boolean | True if the automation queue was successfully finished |
ip_address | nvarchar (255) | IP address of the system |
Method: POST
Posting to the automation queue is used for direct integration into Forge, our image/test environment. Only used in cases when customer specific software is run outside of Forge and image/test status needs to be updated within our system. Sending a POST request creates a list of preset tasks to be executed. The columns associated with this endpoint include:
Field Name | Data Type | Required? | Description |
manufacturer_serial | string (256) | yes | The serial of the system |
automation_tasks | array | yes | Item tasks that the system must complete. See "Task data" for more details |
ip_address | string | yes | The IP of the system |
API POST Example:
"manufacturer_serial": "124567", # The serial number of the system
"ip_address": "", # The IP of the system
"automation_tasks":[{ # Item tasks that the system must complete
"task_type_id": 1, ## See below for additional task data information
"sequence": 1
"task_type_id": 2,
"sequence": 2,
"assignee_id": 123456
Task Data:
Field Name | Type | Required? | Description |
task_type_id | int | yes | The id for the task type. See automation_task_types endpoint below for more details |
sequence | int | yes | An integer which identifies a task within a queue - must be unique per queue |
assignee_id | int | no | Specifies who is responsible for running the task. This is used when some tasks have to be run in Forge and others have to be run outside of Forge. |
Method: PUT
This endpoint is used for direct integration into Forge. Only used in cases when customer specific software is run outside of Forge and image/test status needs to be updated within our system. Used for specifically updating the status of a single registered task. The columns associated with this endpoint include:
Field Name | Data Type | Required? | Description |
manufacturer_serial | string (256) | yes | The serial number of the system |
message_type | string | yes | The action to be taken for this serial. Must be a valid message type value (see below) |
message | string (256) | no | A status update for the operator |
sequence | int | yes | Defines which task this update is for. Checked against the sequence submitted when the queue is created |
ip_address | string | yes | The IP address of the system |
Valid message_type values:
Value | Description |
"start" | Marks the task as started |
"complete" | Marks the task as usccessfully completed |
"fail" | Marks the task as failed and creates a new unstarted task |
"notify" | Updates the latest message for the task |
API PUT Examples:
"manufacturer_serial": "124567", # The serial number of the system
"ip_address": "", # The IP of the system
"sequence": 0, # Sequence of the task the update is for
"message": "Started Run-In", # A status update on the current action to be seen by the operator
"message_type": "start" # The action to be taken on the serial
"manufacturer_serial": "124567",
"ip_address": "",
"sequence": 0,
"message": "Reticulating splines",
"message_type": "notify"
Method: GET
Pulls all of the available automation task types. Only used in cases when customer specific software is run outside of Forge and image/test status needs to be updated within our system. Sending a GET request returns a list of the available task types. The columns associated with this endpoint include:
Field Name | Data Type | Required? | Description |
id | int | yes | The primary key of the row |
name | string (256) | yes | A human readable task name |
description | string (256) | no | A human readable task description |
Method: GET
This endpoint is used to look up the available countries and their corresponding ISO codes. The columns associated with this endpoint include:
Field Name | Data Type |
created_at | datetime (8) |
id | int |
iso_code | nvarchar (510) |
name | nvarchar (510) |
updated_at | datetime (8) |
API request:
apiServer = "https://api-sandbox.mbx.com"
credentials = Credentials('public-token-provided-by-mbx',
date = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
country_id = '0' # The country_id value will represent
## the country number or ID being
## requested.
url = '/v2/countries/' + country_id # This line will include the endpoint
# If no country_id value is provided
## after the endpoint, the query will
## return all available results for
## that endpoint.
data = "{}"
sig = signature(credentials.secret, 'GET', data, url, date) # This line will include the HTTP
## verb or method used for the push
## or request. This example is using
## a GET request.
print requests.get(apiServer + url, data=data, headers = headers(credentials.token, sig, date)).text
API response:
"count": 232,
"total_results": 232,
"offset": 0,
"results": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Jersey",
"iso_code": "JE",
"created_at": "2015-06-24T13:41:11.563Z",
"updated_at": "2015-06-24T13:41:29.573Z"
"id": 2,
"name": "American Samoa",
"iso_code": "AS",
"created_at": "2015-06-24T13:41:11.563Z",
"updated_at": "2015-06-24T13:41:29.573Z"
"id": 3,
"name": "Australia",
"iso_code": "AU",
"created_at": "2015-06-24T13:41:11.563Z",
"updated_at": "2015-06-24T13:41:29.573Z"
Method: GET
This endpoint is used to view prices and SKUS on customer catalog items. Attributes of this endpoint include item ID, price, and customer SKU. The columns associated with this endpoint include:
Field Name | Data Type |
id | int |
customer_sku | nvarchar (510) |
price | decimal (5) |
item_id | int |
Method: POST
This endpoint is used to submit new orders and view orders in process. Attributes of this endpoint include customer order information, importer of record, shipment information and method. The columns associated with this endpoint include:
To submit a new order, you will use the POST method and follow the API POST request example.
API POST request:
apiServer = "https://api-sandbox.mbx.com"
credentials = Credentials('public-token-provided-by-mbx',
date = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
url = '/v2/customer_order_submissions' # This line will include the endpoint.
data = "{}"
sig = signature(credentials.secret, 'POST', data, url, date) # This line will include the HTTP
## verb or method used for the push
## or request. This example is using
## a POST push.
print requests.post(apiServer + url, data=data, headers = headers(credentials.token, sig, date)).text
"organization_id": 01234, # Customer organization ID
"purchase_order": "56789", # Customer purchase order number
"customer_order": "AHEAD-01234-56789", # Customer internal order number
"ship_method_id": 12, # Shipment method ID - See the Shipping Appendix
## at the bottom of the document for
## specific IDs
"ship_account": "333444555", # The shipping account number that will be
## billed - Optional
"notes": "", # Order level notes
"customer_rma_case": "", # RMA case number
"recipient": {
"name": "John L. Doe", # Recipient first and last name
"company": "John L. Doe Ltd.", # Recipient company name
"email": "jdoe@email.com", # Recipient email address
"phone": "1-555-555-6789", # Recipient phone number
"address_1": "467 Highway #1", # Recipient street address 1
## Maximum 35 characters per address line
"address_2": null, # Recipient street address 2 - Optional
"address_3": null, # Recipient street address 3 - Optional
"city": "Toronto", # Recipient city
"state": "ON", # Recipient state or providence
"zip": "M5A 123", # Recipient zip code
"country": "CA" # Recipient country ISO code - See countries endpoint
"importer_of_record": {
"name": "Max Power", # Importer first and last name
"company": "Generic Inc.", # Importer company name
"email": null, # Importer email address
"phone": "1-555-555-1234", # Importer phone number
"address_1": "123 Main Street", # Importer street address 1
## Maximum 35 characters per address line
"address_2": "Unit 10", # Importer street address 2 - Optional
"address_3": null, # Importer street address 3 - Optional
"city": "Mississauga", # Importer city
"state": "ON", # Importer state
"zip": "L5L 123", # Importer zip code
"country": "CA" # Importer country ISO code - See countries endpoint
"duties_and_taxes_account": 10000000, # Duties and taxes account number
"lines": [
"product_code": "Generic Product 1", # Product code
"quantity": 2, # Product quantity
"customs_declared_value": 123.4, # Unit customs value
## The customs value for the order line will
## be this value multiplied by
## the product quantity
"product_code": "Generic Product 2", # Product code
"quantity": 1, # Product quantity
"customs_declared_value": 123.4, # Unit customs value
API POST response:
"organization_id": 01234,
"purchase_order": "56789",
"ship_method_id": 24, # Shipping method ID that was used
"ship_method": "FedEx Ground Canada", # Shipping method that was used
"ship_account": "0123456789",
"end_user_po": "0123456789",
"end_user_name": "Jane L. Doe",
"end_user_order_dt": "2015-04-30T14:36:13.073726",
"customer_order": "123456",
"notes": "",
"recipient": {
"name": "John L. Doe",
"company": "John L. Doe Ltd.",
"email": "jdoe@email.com",
"phone": "1-555-555-6789",
"address_1": "467 Highway #1",
"address_2": null,
"address_3": null,
"city": "Toranto",
"state": "ON",
"zip": "MSA",
"country": "CA"
"importer_of_record": {
"name": "Joe L. Doe",
"company": "",
"email": null,
"phone": "1-555-555-8675",
"address_1": "456 Second Street",
"address_2": "Unit 10",
"address_3": null,
"city": "Mississauga",
"state": "ON",
"zip": "L5L 5Z9",
"country": "CA"
"duties_and_taxes_account": 10000000,
"invoices": [ # Invoices - Will not show up until the order
## status is Shipped
"invoice_number": 123456 # Invoice number for this line
"tracking_numbers": [ # Tracking numbers - Will not show up until
# the order status is Shipped
"tracking_number": "ABCD123EFG456HIJ78", # Tracking number for this line
"weight": 10 # Weight for this line
"status": "shipped", # Shipping status - Pending, Released, or
## Shipped
"notes": "",
"lines": [
"product_code": "Generic Product 1",
"quantity": 1,
"customs_declared_value": 123.4,
"serial_numbers": [
"555-666-777" # Serial number for this product code
Method: GET
This endpoint is used to view customer-owned inventories. Attributes of this endpoint include item ID, inventory allocation and location. The columns associated with this endpoint include:
Field Name | Data Type |
id | int |
item_id | int |
inventory_location_id | int |
quantity_on_hand | decimal (9) |
quantity_allocated | decimal (9) |
quantity_on_order | decimal (9) |
API request:
apiServer = "https://api-sandbox.mbx.com"
credentials = Credentials('public-token-provided-by-mbx',
date = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
inventory_id = '0' # The inventory_id value will
## represent the inventory number
## or ID being requested.
url = '/v2/inventories/' + inventory_id # This line will include the endpoint.
# If no inventory_id value is
## provided after the endpoint, the
## query will return all available
## results for that endpoint.
data = "{}"
sig = signature(credentials.secret, 'GET', data, url, date) # This line will include the HTTP
## verb or method used for the push
## or request. This example is using
## a GET request.
print requests.get(apiServer + url, data=data, headers = headers(credentials.token, sig, date)).text
API response:
"quantity_on_order": 0.0, # Quantity of inventory on order
"created_at": "2014-07-25T11:19:43.940Z",
"quantity_allocated": 0.0, # Quantity of allocated inventory
"updated_at": "2015-04-01T08:12:31.847Z",
"average_cost": 0.0, # Average cost for the inventory
"quantity_on_hand": 0.0, # Quantity of inventory in stock
"item_id": 127188, # Item number or id associated to the
## inventory
"last_cost": 0.0, # Last cost of the inventory
"inventory_location_id": 1, # Location of the inventory
"reorder_level": 0.0, # Reorder level for the inventory
"id": 22742, # Inventory number or id
"order_up_to_level": 0.0, # Maximum order level for the inventory
"lead_time": null # Lead time for the inventory
Method: GET
This endpoint is used to view customer invoices. Attributes of this endpoint include billing and order information. The columns associated with this endpoint include:
Field Name | Data Type |
billed_at | datetime (8) |
created_at | datetime (8) |
id | int |
order_id | int |
total | decimal (9) |
updated_at | datetime (8) |
API request:
apiServer = "https://api-sandbox.mbx.com"
credentials = Credentials('public-token-provided-by-mbx',
date = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
invoice_id = '0' # The invoice_id will represent the
## invoice number or ID being
## requested.
url = '/v2/invoices/' + invoice_id # This line will include the endpoint.
# If no invoice_id value is provided
## after the endpoint, the query
## will return all available
## results from that endpoint.
data = "{}"
sig = signature(credentials.secret, 'GET', data, url, date) # This line will include the HTTP
## verb or method used for the push
## or request. This example is using
## a GET request.
print requests.get(apiServer + url, data=data, headers = headers(credentials.token, sig, date)).text
API response:
"count": 1,
"total_results": 123,
"offset": 0,
"results": [
"id": 123456, # Inventory number or id
"order_id": 654321, # Order number
"billed_at": "2014-10-15T06:00:00.000Z", # Date/time the invoice was billed
"total": 0.0, # Total amount billed on the invoice
"created_at": "2014-10-15T06:00:00.000Z", # Date/time the invoice was created
"updated_at": "2014-10-15T06:00:00.000Z" # Date/time the invoice was updated
Method: GET
This endpoint is used to view customer-owned items. Attributes of this endpoint include item ID, name, and description. The columns associated with this endpoint include:
Field Name | Data Type |
id | int |
name | nvarchar (510) |
description | nvarchar (510) |
archived_at | datetime (8) |
API request:
apiServer = "https://api-sandbox.mbx.com"
credentials = Credentials('public-token-provided-by-mbx',
date = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
item_id = '0' # The item_id value will represent
## the item number or ID being
## requested.
url = '/v2/items/' + item_id # This line will include the endpoint.
# If no item_id value is provided
## after the endpoint, the query
## will return all available
## results from that endpoint.
data = "{}"
sig = signature(credentials.secret, 'GET', data, url, date) # This line will include the HTTP
## verb or method used for the push
## or request. This example is using
## a GET request.
print requests.get(apiServer + url, data=data, headers = headers(credentials.token, sig, date)).text
API response:
"item_category_id": 12, # Category number or ID associated to the
## item
"stocked": false, # Item stocking status (true when stocked,
## false when not stocked)
"description": "Generic Appliance", # Item description
"weight": null, # Item weight
"serialized": true, # Item serial status (true when serialized,
## false when not serialized)
"created_at": "2009-02-17T10:52:00.000Z",
"purchasing_group_id": 1,
"updated_at": "2015-05-12T11:53:36.030Z",
"manufacturer_sku": null,
"archived_at": "2015-05-12T11:53:36.030Z",
"manufacturer_id": null, # Manufacturer number or ID associated to the
## item
"owner_id": 12345, # Customer number or ID associated to the
## item
"id": 123456, # Item number or ID
"name": "Generic Appliance" # Item name
Method: GET
This endpoint is used to view shipping methods. The fields associated with this endpoint include:
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
id | int | Unique ID of the shipping method |
name | nvarchar (510) | Display name for the shipping method |
description | nvarchar (510) | Method description |
carrier | nvarchar (510) | Name of the company providing the shipping services |
Method: GET
This endpoint is used for serial data submission. The columns associated with this endpoint include:
Field Name | Data Type | Required? | Description |
manufacturer_serial | string (256) | yes | Serial number of the system (serial submitted to Forge) |
serial_data_type_id | int | yes | The ID of the data type |
metadata | string (256) | no | Metadata associated with the serial data |
value | string (256) | yes | The value of the serial data |
Method: GET
This endpoint will return return all RMAs belonging to the requestor's organization.
Example API request:
apiServer = "https://api-sandbox.mbx.com"
credentials = Credentials('public-token-provided-by-mbx',
date = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
url = '/v2/rmas' # This line will include the endpoint.
data = "{}"
sig = signature(credentials.secret, 'GET', data, url, date) # This line will include the HTTP
## verb or method used for the push
## or request. This example is using
## a GET request.
print requests.get(apiServer + url, data=data, headers = headers(credentials.token, sig, date)).text
API response:
"count": 232,
"total_results": 232,
"offset": 0,
"results": [
* RMA Number
* @type Number
"id": 15989,
* RMA Subject
* @type String
"subject": "Hardware",
* Organization ID associated with this RMA
* @type Number
"organization_id": "48134",
* The ID of the order from which the RMA originated
* @type Number
"order_id": 121597,
* The ID of the repair order
* @type Number
"repair_order_id": 149597,
* The ID of the replacement order
* @type Number
"replacement_order_id": 192483,
* The RMA order's manufacturer serial
* @type String
"manufacturer_serial": "ML1627JB005",
* The date the RMA request was approved
* @type Date
"start_date": "2005-08-16",
* The date the RMA request was completed
* @type Date
"closed_date": "2005-08-16",
* System item
"item": {
* Item number
* @type Number
"id": 1423291,
* Item name
* @type String
"name": "StockBox 2000",
* Item description
* @type String
"description": "StockBox server 10.2",
* Item category
"category": {
* Category ID
* @type Number
"id": 32,
* Category name
* @type String
"name": "Server"
"status": {
"id": 1,
"name: "Not Received"
Open RMAs
Method: GET
This endpoint will return return all open RMAs belonging to the requestor's organization.
Example API request:
apiServer = "https://api-sandbox.mbx.com"
credentials = Credentials('public-token-provided-by-mbx',
date = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
url = '/v2/rmas/open' # This line will include the endpoint.
data = "{}"
sig = signature(credentials.secret, 'GET', data, url, date) # This line will include the HTTP
## verb or method used for the push
## or request. This example is using
## a GET request.
print requests.get(apiServer + url, data=data, headers = headers(credentials.token, sig, date)).text
Response will be formatted the same way as for the /v2/rmas endpoint.
## Closed RMAs
> Method: **GET**
This endpoint will return all closed RMAs belonging to the requestor's organization.
> Example API request:
<div class="code">Python</div>
apiServer = "https://api-sandbox.mbx.com"
credentials = Credentials('public-token-provided-by-mbx',
date = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
url = '/v2/rmas/closed' # This line will include the endpoint.
data = "{}"
sig = signature(credentials.secret, 'GET', data, url, date) # This line will include the HTTP
## verb or method used for the push
## or request. This example is using
## a GET request.
print requests.get(apiServer + url, data=data, headers = headers(credentials.token, sig, date)).text
Response will be formatted the same way as for the /v2/rmas endpoint.
## RMA
> Method: **GET**
This endpoint will return the details of a specific RMA queried by RMA Number.
> Example API request:
<div class="code">Python</div>
apiServer = "https://api-sandbox.mbx.com"
credentials = Credentials('public-token-provided-by-mbx',
date = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
rma_id = '0' # The rma_id will represent the
## rma number or ID being
## requested.
url = '/v2/rmas/' + rma_id # This line will include the endpoint.
data = "{}"
sig = signature(credentials.secret, 'GET', data, url, date) # This line will include the HTTP
## verb or method used for the push
## or request. This example is using
## a GET request.
print requests.get(apiServer + url, data=data, headers = headers(credentials.token, sig, date)).text
API response:
* RMA Number
* @type Number
"id": 55622,
* RMA Subject
* @type String
"subject": "Trial Management",
* Organization ID associated with this RMA
* @type Number
"organization_id": 47195,
* RMA order number
* @type Number
"order_id": 155587,
* System item
"item": {
* Item number
* @type Number
"id": 1423291,
* Item name
* @type String
"name": "StockBox 2000",
* Item description
* @type String
"description": "StockBox server 10.2",
* Item category
"category": {
* Category ID
* @type Number
"id": 32,
* Category name
* @type String
"name": "Server"
* System serial number
* @type String
"manufacturer_serial": "168147077001",
* Repair order number
* @type Number
"repair_order_id": 192039,
* Replacement order number
* @type Number
"replacement_order_id": null,
* RMA status
"status": {
* RMA status ID
* @type Number
"id": 2,
* RMA status name
* @type String
"name": "Checked In"
* RMA start date
* @type String
"start_date": "2017-02-12",
* RMA closed date
* @type String
"closed_date": null,
* Items on the RMA
"lines": [
* Quantity of the item
* @type Number
"quantity": 1,
* Item on the RMA
"item": {
* Item number
* @type Number
"id": 109402,
* Item name
* @type String
"name": "Adaptec RAID 51245 Bulk",
* Item description
* @type String
"description": "SAS/SATA 3.0 16 PCI-Express x8",
* Item category
"category": {
* Category ID
* @type Number
"id": 59,
* Category name
* @type String
"name": "RAID Card"
* Problems associated to the RMA incident
"problems": [
* Comment ID
* @type Number
"id": 859332,
* Text field describing the problem
* @type String
"message": "Could we get a new RMA created for the...",
* Date this comment was created
* @type String
"created_at": "2016-01-14T20:40:09.753Z",
* Date this comment was updated
* @type String
"updated_at": "2016-01-14T20:40:09.753Z"
* Troubleshooting notes associated to the RMA incident
"troubleshootings": [
* Comment ID
* @type Number
"id": 859339,
* Text field describing the troubleshooting step
* @type String
"message": "System was returned with a...",
* Date this comment was created
* @type String
"created_at": "2016-01-14T20:40:09.753Z",
* Date this comment was updated
* @type String
"updated_at": "2016-01-14T20:40:09.753Z"
"id": 859342,
* Text field describing the troubleshooting step
* @type String
"message": "The system powers up and POSTs...",
* Date this comment was created
* @type String
"created_at": "2016-01-14T23:32:09.753Z",
* Date this comment was updated
* @type String
"updated_at": "2016-01-14T23:32:09.753Z"
* Results of the RMA
"results": [
* Comment ID
* @type Number
"id": 856201,
* Text field describing the result
* @type String
"message": "This system has passed standard...",
* Date this comment was created
* @type String
"created_at": "2016-01-16T20:40:09.753Z",
* Date this comment was updated
* @type String
"updated_at": "2016-01-16T20:40:09.753Z"
Method: POST
This endpoint is used to submit a request for a new RMA.
Field Name | Data Type | Required? | Description |
problem | text | yes | Description of the problem and requested solution |
request_type_id | integer | yes | Type of request for this RMA (see types below) |
manufacturer_serial | string (50) | yes | Serial number of the system |
replacement_name | string (256) | yes | Name of the replacement destination |
replacement_phone | string (256) | no | Phone number of the replacement destination |
replacement_addr | text | no | Address the replacement should be sent to |
Request Types
Id | Name |
1 | Replacement Parts |
2 | Advance System Replacement |
3 | Depot Repair and Return |
4 | Trial and Stock |
5 | Repair and Stock |
Order Update
The status response parameter, used for the customer_order_submissions endpoint, will change depending on the status of the order. The possible statuses are:
Status | Description |
Pending | Order is pending and is currently on hold |
Released | Order has been released from hold and will be processed shortly |
Shipped | Order has been shipped |
The invoices and tracking_numbers response parameters will not show up until the order status is shipped.
Automation Tasks
Returns a CSV report of all automation tasks for your organization.
Field Name | Description |
id | Automation task ID |
automation_queue_id | Automation queue ID |
automation_task_type_id | Automation task type ID |
sequence | Sequence of this task within the queue |
started_at | Time the task was started |
completed_at | Time the task was completed |
failed | True if the task was marked as failed |
message | Message submitted for the task |
assignee_id | Organization ID assigned to the task |
assignee_name | Organization name assigned to the task |
work_order_id | Work order assigned to the automation queue |
serial_id | Serial for the system assigned to the automation queue |
item_id | Item ID for the system |
manufacturer_serial | Serial number for the system |